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YourPatentGuy privacy policy
Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/k13x1mpx8le9/public_html/ypg/wp-content/plugins/tweet-blender/tweet-blender.php on line 158

YourPatentGuy’s Privacy Policy — Patent Law Offices of Michael E. Woods

Web Site Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement demonstrates my commitment to protecting your privacy when you visit my Web site and informs you of my Web site information collection and management practices.

Our Collection and Use of Your Information

YourPatentGuy collects the information that you provide when you sign up to receive newsletters, advisories, announcements and invitations or when you contact me by email. I use this information only to respond to your comments or questions, or to provide services related to the specific purpose for which you submitted the information.

Cookies and Log Files

When you access this Web site, I also receive non-personally identifiable information through cookies and log files. Certain technical information, such as your IP address, page views, operating system, Web browser software, and referring and destination Web site is automatically collected from your computer. Cookies allow me to statistically monitor how many people are using my site, how often someone visits this site, the length of the stay and for what purposes. I use the information gathered from cookies and log files solely to generate broad demographic and user statistics to improve the content I provide. I do not link any information obtained from cookies or log files to personal information.

Information Disclosure Practices

I guarantee I won’t share your information with any third parties without your consent except as follows: (i) where such disclosure is necessary to comply with the law or protect the safety of our users or others, or (ii) with service providers performing services on my behalf. Any service providers employed by me will have access to your information solely to the extent necessary to enable them to perform the service on my behalf and will be contractually prohibited from using the information for any other purpose.

Electronic Mailings

YourPatentGuy distributes advisories and other firm publications to clients and friends of the firm from time to time. Each recurring advisory or publication will contain instructions telling you how to receive such publications by email and how to be removed from my distribution list.


My Web site employs industry standard security measures designed to protect against loss, misuse or alteration of information you provide me via this site. I am not responsible for unauthorized access to information by hackers or others who have obtained such access through illegal means.

Linked Sites

My Web site includes links to external sites that I do not own or control. The inclusion of any link does not imply our endorsement of such external Web site or the products and services offered at such site. If you link to a third-party site from this Web site, any information you reveal on that site is not subject to this privacy statement and I cannot be responsible for how that site may use your information. Therefore, you should consult privacy policies of each site you visit.

Changes and Questions

YourPatentGuy reserves the right to revise this policy at any time by posting a new privacy policy at this location. Please check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of this Web site signifies your assent to this Privacy Statement. If you have questions about our Privacy Statement, please send an email to

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