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YourPatentGuy — Patent Attorney for Silicon Valley and San Francisco inventors — Page 2
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How Much is A Patent Worth?

July 1, 2011

This has been a question on the minds of inventors ever since the first patents were granted. For a consortium of six well-known tech companies (Apple, EMC, Ericsson, Microsoft, Sony, and RIM), “approximately 6,000 residual patent assets” of Nortel Networks Inc. are worth about three-fourths of a million dollars ($750,000) per asset, on average. Given a general […]

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Patent Reform and You

June 26, 2011

Now both the Senate (S.23) and House (H.R. 1249) have passed legislation addressing changes to the US Patent System. Because the legislation is different, further action by Congress is required before President Obama has anything to sign (and he’s indicated he’s inclined to accept reform along the lines of the pending legislation). I will defer […]

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“Software Patents”

June 19, 2011

Software Patents – RTFP (Read The Full Patent)

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July 5, 2010

It would seem that 2007 was a good year, at least better than the intervening years, if judged by posts to this blog. I have been around, and have relocated (again) to Marin. Latest Contact Info: Patent Law Offices of Michael E. Woods 16 Hazel CT. San Rafael, CA 94901 415.419.5524 I will be back […]

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July 5, 2010

Finally updated wordpress from the old 2.really.old.version to the newest 3.latest.version.

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Winged Spacecraft

April 8, 2007

I see that Mr. Rutan received US patent #7,195,207 on 27 March 2007 for aspects of his Winged Spacecraft. Reading the claims, we see that the invention relates to reentry features: elevating an airfoil to slow the spacecraft, then lowering the airfoil for landing.

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April 8, 2007

It has been awhile since I wrote here. The big news is that I have moved and I am now located Deep in the Heart of the State of the Art (not Texas!) – Santa Clara. My contact information has been updated on the website. The Patent Law Offices of Michael E. Woods is now […]

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